save big with our lowest ever 1-semester rates! Order by 1/10 for delivery before spring semester!

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

Laundry Plans & MicroFridges

All pro-rated refunds will be given until either Oct 15th or within the first 4 weeks of purchase, whichever is the later date, after which all sales are final. A $30 cancellation fee will apply to all cleaning plan refunds regardless of the termination date or reason. 

Water Plans

All pro-rated refunds will be given either until Oct 1st or within the first 4 weeks of purchase, whichever is the later date, after which all sales are final.  A $30 cancellation fee will apply to all water/beverage plan refunds regardless of the termination date or reason.  

Purchased Items

No refunds for delivery fees if the item has already been delivered.   Items purchased and picked up at 69 Mt. Auburn Street will receive a full refund as long as it is returned within 14 days after the date of purchase.  Items purchased and picked up at 69 Mt. Auburn Street will receive a full refund as long as it is returned within 14 days after the date of purchase.  Your purchase must be returned in like-new condition with the original packaging, including Universal Product Code (UPC), manuals, and parts intact. Items returned damaged or dirty will only receive a partial refund, of which the exact amount is subject to the discretion of HSA Dorm Essentials employees. HSA Dorm Essentials reserves the right to deny any return.  If item is damaged or has a manufacturer’s defect upon arrival, we will deliver a replacement free of charge as long as notice is given within 14 days after the date of delivery.

Store Credit

No refunds, returns, or exchanges may be offered for store credit.  Store credit is not transferrable. 

Refund Method

If you paid with cash, you will receive a refund in the form of a check, to be picked up from the accounting office on the 2nd floor of 67 Mt. Auburn Street. If you paid by credit or debit card, you will receive a credit to the account used for payment. Laundry plans are insured up to $250 per bag. Refunds will be made by check through the mail or by picking it up at our office.